
first steps

I should have perhaps started this blog a couple of months ago when I first saw 'my site' but at that time I wasn't quite aware of how much of an impact this specific area had made on me.

I had been thinking about my final year project for a while and it wasn't until I made a visit to Liverpool that I came across something that could be a very strong starting point for it. I stumbled upon the Stanley Dock area when taking 2 friends on a trip to see the Albert Docks and the Antony Gormley's Another Place installations on Crosby Beach, because I had actually taken the wrong turning... I love it when creative accidents happen!

So, these are a few images from that somewhat dank and miserable day back in the middle of August...

1 comment:

  1. Silvana Grimsditch (Mum)09/10/2009, 21:24

    It's funny how we take for granted where we live without really sitting back and looking at it in more depth.When you write about and describe a place it seems so different to what you have in your minds eye.Silvana Grimsditch (Mum)
