
tutor time

As per every other university project, one becomes assigned to a 'unit', essentially this is the 'class' you be part of for the year, and as always each student can elect to which unit they go into. My tutor for this year is Katharina Borsi and our studio unit is called 'Architectural Urbanism', a unit concerning the city and the site and the artefacts that are developed from research into these areas.

This is a collection of words and phrases that Katharina spoke about during our 6th year meeting which led me into chosing this unit...
  • series of voids / stratifications
  • traces of memory
  • Eisenman, Koolhaas, Rossi
  • collections of objects, desire lines, photography
  • collages at different scales
  • the city and the site are a key starting point
  • think of the site as a larger scale within the city

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